PMWeb was originally released in 2007 to deliver "best of breed" tools to manage the entire lifecycle of capital works projects, including managing all aspects related to procurement and the management of resulting contracts through to completion. Since that time, these tools have been proven on procurements and contracts totalling many billions of dollars and the global user community of PMWeb has grown to many thousands across some of the world's largest Government and private-sector organisations.
In addition to use on capital works projects, the powerful procurement and contract management tools of PMWeb can be applied to any procurement and contract management process. PMWeb's Contract Systems Solutions include functionality for:
- Contract Development
- Contract Management
- Project Management
- Program Management
- Risk Management
PMWeb can be provided under a number of Hosting options, including installation on a Customer's own computers or as Software as a Service (SaaS).
Where there is a requirement to retain all data in Australia, the SaaS option for Australian Government users involves establishment of a Customer-specific PMWeb installation in one of two secure Data Centres located in Sydney; or alternatively in a secure Data Centre selected by the Customer anywhere in Australia. Some of the usual SaaS terms do not apply.
Read more about PMWeb's Contract Systems Solutions and browse this website for details of PMWeb's many features.
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